
A new way to promote and diffuse flamenco

VIVA! Manuel Liñan

VIVA! is a song to the freedom of movement, where the feminine is embraced from the masculine body as its own, where gender roles, in a codified world like flamenco, are broken with joy and enjoyment, creating new terrains that, although unexplored, are not distant.

A transformation that builds a body that we long for, through a characterization inspired by the flamenco woman, in order to enhance our way of expressing ourselves. A transformation that does not always imply a way of masking, but rather a nudity, a revelation. In a celebratory key, Liñán proposes the plurality of flamenco dance, through both its different forms and their singularity. And he does it with six bailaores-bailarines, who will be in charge of exploring and diving in to this fascinating universe of the feminine, as seen from the masculine, thus exposing these two identities, which are part of our own nature